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What Foods Can You Not Eat With a Colostomy Bag

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Foods to Eat and Avoid After Colostomy Surgery

Foods to Eat and Avoid After Colostomy Surgery

Life after colostomy may be a little different, sometimes temporarily, and it may take some time to adapt to it. Colostomy surgery involves diverting the end part of the digestive system. One end of the colon is connected to a stoma which is attached to a pouch. The pouch collects feces. Many patients are self-conscious about it. However, with time, they learn to manage their colostomy bag.

One of the things patients and their families need to learn is what the colostomy diet after surgery should be. It is important to have a colostomy diet plan in place before the patient arrives home from the hospital.

After colostomy surgery, some online research into a colostomy food guide will be necessary. There you will find many colostomy diet recipes. Below is what we recommend you eat:

High quality food is provided to the residents of Fairview Rehab & Nursing Home

Foods you should include in your diet after colostomy surgery

You need to eat a balanced diet and try as far as possible to include all the food groups in your daily food intake.

In the wake of a colostomy, consider consuming some of these foods:

  1. The live and active cultures in yogurt are good for a recovering digestive system.
  2. Cranberries, bananas, and applesauce.
  3. White toast and well-cooked white rice
  4. Buttermilk, tapioca, and applesauce

Over time, you can start introducing different foods slowly into your diet. The colostomy bag should not represent a permanent dietary obstacle. Try some different foods and work out by a process of elimination what does not work for you.

A guide to foods not to eat when you have a colostomy bag

After colostomy surgery, you need to give your digestive time to recover. During this period, there are foods you should avoid. They may have a negative impact on digestion and affect your colostomy bag.

Stay away from these foods when you've recently had colostomy surgery:

  1. Dairy products
  2. Fried food or any fatty meats, including potato chips
  3. Foods that are very high in fiber such as wheat bran cereals and whole grain bread
  4. Sweet treats such as cake, cookies, candy, and chocolate
  5. Beans, peas, and lentils

Measures to put in place to prevent complications with your colostomy bag

Several complications may present themselves after colostomy surgery. They include ballooning which is a buildup of gas in the colostomy bag. Some gas in the bag is normal, and the bag releases it. But too much gas can be a problem.

There is also pancaking which happens when a vacuum is created in the bag. This usually happens just after the bag has been changed. The best thing to do is to blow into the bag before attaching it to the stoma.

More serious risks include a blockage or a hernia. There can also be internal bleeding, the wound might break open, or an infection can develop. These can have life-threatening implications and should be treated seriously. They can also affect the success of your colostomy surgery.

Final thoughts

After colostomy surgery, you need to take special care of your body. Follow the instructions and dietary guidelines your medical practitioners recommend. They will help you recover and return to a normal life.

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  1. Patricia Lumpkins April 25, 2021 at 2:39 pm - Reply

    Just had emergency hole in colon surgery. I now have a colostomy bag and the smell gags me when I empty it. One place says eat yogurt, buttermilk etc and other places says no diary.. so confusing. Help please

    • Tucson Mike September 26, 2021 at 11:07 pm - Reply

      I ordered Devromon which you take after each meal to eliminate odors. It still has a slight smell but much more manageable to change bag. I also take 1 gas x pill after each meal…..
      Cottage cheese and kefer make the difference daily to keep your bowels maintained. Good luck!

  2. Felicia Hall June 11, 2021 at 12:19 am - Reply

    I have a problem with cheese and dairy foods is this a no for me

  3. Nancy July 31, 2021 at 8:54 pm - Reply

    If you're bothered a lot by the smell, You could try wearing closed bags, which you would change 1 to 3 times a day, rather than wearing the drainable kind. I used to wear the drainable bags, but I much prefer the closed bags, as I find them easier to take off and dispose of than rinsing and cleaning a smelly bag several times every day. When you change a closed end bag, you just have to clean any excess poop off around the wafer ring with some toilet paper, after you take the used bag off, then dispose of that in the commode or into a garbage bag with the dirty colostomy bag, then snap a clean bag onto the ring and you're done. I find It's faster, more freeing, and less smelly than emptying and rinsing a drainable bag several times a day. I had a colostomy last year. It's an adjustment but there are far worse things. God bless and Good luck to you.

  4. Kimberly Perry August 11, 2021 at 6:57 pm - Reply

    Try a deodorizer in bag. At first, I wore a mask. There is also a spray hospitals use for odors you can buy online.

  5. Gail September 10, 2021 at 1:56 pm - Reply

    I use a drainable bag. After I drain the bag I wipe out the opening and then add a teaspoon of baking soda. I think it helps with the odor.

  6. April September 17, 2021 at 3:46 am - Reply

    Our colostomy nurse suggested adding Scope mouthwash to the bag to help with the odor.

What Foods Can You Not Eat With a Colostomy Bag
