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Canada's Worst Handyman What Did Brian P Say

Canada's Worst Handyman 2 is Terry Cress of Sault Ste. Marie. "I'm glad I went down," said Cress as Episode 7 of the popular Discovery Channel program ended tonight.

Canada's Worst Handyman 2 is Terry Cress of Sault Ste. Marie.

"I'm glad I went down," said Cress as Episode 7 of the popular Discovery Channel program ended tonight.

"I learned a lot and we still hear from most of the people who were on the show with us," he said.

Cress and his wife Angie watched the second-last episode of the show tonight with family at the Cress home in the city's northern area.

"It was a good learning experience and they treated us very well," said Cress, who ended tonight's episode by telling viewers he would come home, tear down his shed and rebuild it the right way.

During the show, he said he was pretty sure he wasn't going to be Canada's Worst Handyman 2 until his nominator and close friend, Harvey Houle (shown with Cress during filming last winter) put his back out and had to leave the show in Episode 4 only to be replaced by Terry's wife, Angie in Episode 5.

"It all went downhill after that," he said.

At that point Angie got on the phone to and explained.

"I don't have a clue about how to build anything and up until then Harvey was doing everything for Terry," she said. "After that he had to actually build the shed himself."

In tonight's episode, Terry cut his colossal shed apart to get it through the doors, then duct-taped it back together.

That left him in a dead heat with fellow contestant Ruth Summersides, whose shed lost its roof to get through the door.

But Terry's stalwart refusal to take pride in his work (aside from being pretty handy with a chainsaw) finally earned him the title of Canada's Worst Handyman 2.

Angie says that Episodes 8 and 9 of the nine-part series are her favorites, because they really show people how not to construct a shed.

"Everything makes perfect sense in hindsight," she said. "When they told my husband to make the shed nine by 12, he didn't listen.

She said one of the producers asked her if Terry ever followed directions.

"Hey, I just told you about him," she said. "He's your baby to take care of now."

Angie said her favourite part of all the episodes was when Terry admitted he farted on national television.

"He stood up on the ladder and started fanning his behind," she said.

"He's really getting comfortable in front of the camera," Angie joked. "Maybe he should do a guest appearance on Holmes on Holmes or something... nah, Mike Holmes would eat him for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"

The Cresses are taking to celebrity life very well, said Angie.

"The show's producers are very surprised at the volume of mail they get from the Sault," said Angie. "We told them it's because we are a small northern town."

But Angie says they get recognized at home a lot, too, and by surprising groups of people.

"We get younger people, like 12- or 13-year-olds to maybe 18-year-olds coming up to us and saying they saw us on Canada's Worst Handyman 2," said Angie. "We take as much time as we can to talk to them and answer their questions. But one thing we haven't been able to do until tonight is say Terry won."

Their son is also becoming a celebrity around St. Theresa School as well.

"They let the kids in his class watch excerpts from the show," said Angie.

As for Canada's Worst Handyman 2, Angie said the show has given her a great admiration for anyone who works in the media.

"They had us up and on the set by 7 in the morning until 9, 10 or even 11 at night some days," said Angie. "They work very hard and the way it turns out is sometimes a surprise."

Terry agreed.

"Things aren't always what they look like on the show," he said, referring to the shenanigans of Sheilla Stengler (who appears on the show as nominator of Handyman contestant Jaime Garcia) and the reactions she gets from the other contestants.

"She isn't really like that all the time," said Terry. "We really got on well with her and Jaime and still talk on the phone a fair amount."

Angie also told us that Candace Landmark, who revealed she was pregnant about halfway through the show, recently had a baby boy and that mom and baby are doing fine.

Would Terry and Angie do it again?

Yes, says Terry. In a heartbeat.

Probably not, counters Angie.

The Proper Television production Canada's Worst Handyman 2 airs on Discovery Channel.

To find out when, to catch up on episodes you missed or see video of the Handymen, click here.

Be sure and go there Tuesday evening for a live chat with Canada's Worst Handyman 2, Terry Cress.

************************* Our readers respond:

Just a little note with respect to Canada's Worst Handyman 2.

Not sure if you're aware of this but Terry Cress was not the only local on the show.

Jill Rydall, one of the consultants/teachers on Canada's Worst Handyman 2 is also local.

She grew up in Bar River, just east of Echo Bay, and was the first female ever admitted to the Sault Ste. Marie Carpenter's Union.

It would be nice to see a little blurb about her part in the show.

Have a great day.

Stefanie Rydall


Canada's Worst Handyman What Did Brian P Say
